

Serving my constituents is my highest priority. That means assisting residents with government agencies as well as advocating for resources for our communities. Too many of our elderly residents are struggling on fixed income and escalating health care costs and property taxes. These issues must be addressed by the state government.


The future of every child depends on quality education in every community - rural or urban, wealthy, or poor. We must continue to reduce the dependence of schools on residential property tax. I support local control of schools but will work to relieve the burden of taxation on homeowners and renters. The state should keep its promise of two-thirds funding of schools.

Strengthen Families

Paid family leave, quality and affordable child care and safe communities through the prevention of violence.


Climate & Environmental Protection:

We must do everything possible to end the threat of PFAS and other toxins in our groundwater and soil. Invest in the protection of our natural world for generations to come. I strongly support Governor Evers’ commitment to providing 100 percent carbon-free energy by 2050. I believe adopting the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency is an important part of our economic growth and environmental health agenda.

Health Care

The cornerstones of health care must include reproductive rights for women and support for community-based services for senior citizens and people with disabilities. I support Gov. Evers’ efforts to expand Medicaid for thousands who have no health care. Bringing hundreds of millions of federal dollars into the state will also create many jobs.

Fair Taxes

 Reduce the tax burden on middle class. Support returning most of the state surplus to taxpayers. Our economy is not working for everyone. Wages are stagnant and families are struggling to make ends meet. We must make strategic investments to ensure that all sectors within our communities are able to thrive.